
conserve thy energy

/*ugh. NSTP finals. ü */

As technologies are empowering the world, people of my generation, thfis generation that is, receives benefits and advantages. Advantages that give people the freewill to do whatever and in fact, almost do the impossible! Now, with the growing power of humankind, it is not that far to imagine that people will no longer work yet they will be able to sustain their lives. Talk about more robotic power and less mechanical will. But with these advantages come negativity that would destroy everything we have worked on. All the medals, ribbons, certificates and trophies would mean nothing anymore if this disaster would come. The once happy and blooming Earth would probably go sad and brown *yes! Not blue but brown* if we would let this happen. My point? LET’S CONSERVE.

First, I would like to give different perceptions about conservation by other people. I will also give my own interpretation about ENERGY CONSERVATION.

Energy conservation is the practice of decreasing the quantity of energy used. It may be achieved through efficient energy use, in which case energy use is decreased while achieving a similar outcome, or by reduced consumption of energy services. Energy conservation may result in increase of financial capital, environmental value, national security, personal security, and human comfort. Individuals and organizations that are direct consumers of energy may want to conserve energy in order to reduce energy costs and promote economic security. Industrial and commercial users may want to increase efficiency and thus maximize profit.” – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/energy_conservation

“A principle stating that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant regardless of changes within the system.” http://www.answers.com/topic/conservation-of-energy

Coming from these reliable sources, I have come to realize that Energy conservation is not just merely concentrated on Electricity. Well, fuel is energy too! The food we eat is considered as energy as well for us humans. To give my own view of energy conservation, I would start it by the word SAVING. Energy conservation is saving up energy or power to do another job. It’s like instead of using amplifiers for your music wherein you would be the only one listening, you could actually use the electricity for the generation of amps to, let’s say, researching on the Internet. If these are not that essential, why waste when you can save?

Also, the energy you wasted could be your life-saver. So why neglect and throw it away? Given the situation above, your energy consumption played a huge role to save you! How come? So, what if the energy you used, electrically-wise and physically-wise, what you’ll need to do much important tasks, let’s say, a project needs to be printed. But you have already wasted it. Lesson learned? Energy conservation is much more than the unplug-your-TV-sets-from-time-to-time.

Now, let’s talk about energy conservation in a different dimension. To give a hint of what this couple of statements will be about, let me tell you. Now, it’s about how the malpractice of energy conservation will affect us.

Of course, the famous increase of energy cost will definitely affect us. Like before, people of our grandma’s & grandpa’s generation just probably paid at about 50php a month. But look at the present, families are paying at about 5,000php a month. It’s a 1000% increase! Yeah, I know, as I am writing this, I also realized how we are letting money slip our hand unguarded.

Less of the financial aspect and now, more to the Environmental piece. Currently, a large percent of the world still uses Fossil Fuels for energy. And when fossil fuel is burned, large amount of Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide is contributed to the atmosphere. Thus, Fossil Fuels are not good for the environment. We all know that Carbon Monoxide to Nature is like vices to addicts. We are all aware that vices are the worst enemy of our vital organs. It will eventually kill them yet they can’t escape it because they need it. Same goes to the environment. We are responsive to the fact that fossil fuel we are using will sooner or later kill the environment, and who knows maybe including us, but we are still using it like addicts. Yes, it is because so far, the next best remedy to our thirst for energy is still yet to come. Alternative fuels are flooding the news and bulletins but in spite of everything, those recommendations are not enough. Why? The so-called thirst will never go away. Don’t believe me? Well let me prove it to you. If you’ll take away energy, people would probably go nuts! Try a day without electricity. I know it’s hard because we are all electricity-dependent people. How about a month without it? Can we, city people, survive?

Now, what are supposed to do? Wait until there’s nothing left for us to do but regret? NO!! We shouldn’t let that event to happen! We don’t want to see our future children and grandchildren to experience the ultimate price for our wrong actions. They should not pay the penalty of us doing the damage to Mother Earth. It’s not their fault that they came from generations that mistreated the nature.

Feeling guilty? Well, you shouldn’t. In fact, instead of treating yourself bad with the guilt you feel, why don’t you use that energy to do other good stuff that will benefit us all? Let’s forget selfishness and greed. Let’s consider others. And more importantly, the future.

Perhaps, only we can save the future. We can start by ending the bad habits we do. We should save. SAVE! THRIFT! THINK GREEN! THINK LIFE!

And by this, we could prevent the perfect disaster that could destroy our future.



is this goodbye?

"No Dad, not Goodbye! I hate goodbye! SEE YAH LATER." A a son with such great hopes and dreams of reaching his goals, MiCHAEL was just so annoyed to hearing goodbyes. *allergic?xp* It's quite amazing how this flick, JOHN Q., touched so many aspects in just one situation.

After that Sunday's baseball game, it has been unexpected that the tables have turned against Michael. His hearts stops working in good condition. And if his heart won't be replaced in time, it might be the last of him. This time, would the boy who hated goodbyes be saying goodbye to his mom, dad and dreams to be the ultimate body builder? Is this goodbye?

Of course, as a loving father, JOHN, did actions in order to gain his son's survival. He went to different insurance companies and even loaning agencies *if I'm not mistaken* but they just kept on turning him down. If I'm to be the owner of one of the insurance/loaning agencies, I might just probably do the same. John is just earning enough for his family's needs. How about the business? They are just playing safe, because just like John, they also have needs. Now, less on the insurance/loaning agencies and more to John. It's really hard for the part of John since those are the only hope he could cry for help. And now rejected? What's the worst that is yet to come? See his son gradually losing his life? Watch her wife cry and scream for help as she begs her son to breathe? John's gonna turn lunatic? No way, he won't let that reach reality. And maybe, just maybe, that's why doing inappropriate actions were his only hope for the life he loved so much.

Actually, at that point, I was actually starting to feel pity for John. *i thought they are one of the richies living in US. but i was actually wrong.* I realized how lucky am I to have people to ask for help. *my father, my mother, my aunties, my uncles, so on and so forth.* And also, how much of a big responsibility it is to have a family. Especially, when all you can afford is just your daily needs. I have also come to think how much does a son (or a daughter) means to their parents. How much effort, time and even money would be spent just to see their child alive, hear them talk & listen to them no matter how senseless are they talking about.

In John's mind was: HOSTAGiNG THE HOSPiTAL in exchange for his son's heart; that was his last option. Though he did not want for that to happen, he had no choice. He was truly desperate onto saving his son. So, that's what really happened. He hostages the Emergency Room in a certain hospital and there he learned how hard it is to run a hospital. With that situation on hand, of course, there's got to be a solution! That is when Media People, Police and the Government come on handy. So, why are they there? Let's see. Obviously, media people are there to get an insight of what's happening, to help citizens know what actually with the case. *but..we know what they want, ViEWERS.* Then, next, the Police People. They are there to contain the situation and prevent serious damages to occur. And finally, the Government. Of course, it is the mission to promote their citizen's good quality of life. In this case, they are there to stop the hostaging event and maybe, just maybe, help John wih his dilemma.

You see, the government is not always about politics. Even though Politics play a big role to the government, that is not where their world turns around everytime. They may do some "operations" unknown to the public and they do not stop from that.

Now, it's time we look at the "health issues" on this movie.

First, John's son, Michael gets his life on a 50-50 percentage. It's all about getting a heart donor in time! So, what did John do? Alright, I've already discussed that on my upper paragraphs. But, the story doesn't end on John's situation as a hostager. No, it does not.

On the hospital where John got his hostagees, it featured different situations where help is REALLY needed. Let's take the lover's case. They were shot (or stabbed, i guess). So they needed first aid to help them stop the bleeding. This is where, again, health institutions come to the rescue.

But back to Michael's almost dying situation, I would like to stress out how the Government, in hand with the
hospital found a way to another healthy heart that would cause Michael to live for more years. Of course, due to desperation, John found another solution. *it is because his hostage-action did not successfully gave him what he wanted.* He decided to give his heart instead. He wanted to give him his life for the sake of his beloved son. So, with no further a do, John rests in an operating room bed. *is it a bed? i don't actually saw what is it. argh, blame the screen. haha* With a shot gun in his hand, he said his last words, actually, thoise have been John's last words, if a guy from another hospital faxed the hospital where John and Michael is. It could have been. *this is the CLiMAX where everyone's screaming: "John, NO!!!"*

So, let's all thank communication! For if not, John would be a goner and his heart won't go no where since a new heart donor had been found. Now, i would like to ask you: *not that I'm totally a pro for the government but just be an eye opener and see the other side of government* You think, if the government did not do any actions on John's case, would you think that Hospitals are just gonna give away free operations? NO, they won't. It would cost a lot of money. LOTS of money, it tell you.

Now, to end this... *hmm. i actually don't know what to say. Still caught up with John true love for his son.* Ohh! now, I've got it! To kill the suspense of whose heart was transferred to Michael, I would now reveal it. Actually her name is not mentioned. See, she is a girl who had an accidental car crash on a highway. She was found dead but still her vitals are good. Her heart gave way to another chance for Michael to continue his dreams and see another sunshine.

And as for John, well, he was found guilty for his case. Many private and even public organizations helped John to be innocent on his case. But, sad to say, it did not work out good. My reaction to this? A part of me agrees that John should be sentenced because a mistake is still a mistake. Just by doing heroism (to his son, that is) won't erase what he has done. It would still be a mistake that John did. But, of course, a part of me is still saying, PARDON. If only they understood whta John has gone through, maybe they would just give him Pardon. It's the life of his son that they are talking about here!! But still, it's the government's duty to enforce law among his citizens. If John would just be forgiven, it would be unfair for those who are in jail. People would not be afraid of the Laws anymore .*Agh! Forget it. ANyway,they would give us pardon. We are heros.* The government doesn't want that to happen. But don't worry, John will see his family, LATER. ;)

**Don't say goodbye. See you later. ü**

musikaHEARTistahh V.1

/* original art. ü there's more to come. */

thunder - boys like girls. ^^

"your voice was the soundtrack of my summer.

do you know you're unlike any other?

you'll always be my thunder.."

*how sweet is that to hear from your some one??

hmm. ;)

a starry night
"i am yours, you are mine."
*woah. how loyal. ;)
such simple words, but implies so strong message.

frozen clock

/* this is actually me and my dear friend ATTHEMiST's composition. we did it, uhm, last december 2007. */

a frozen clock is what i am yesterday
being unable to let go of my past
but today, i came to realize
that the past that haunts me
has no connection to the future
that i am going be have.
life goes on
it's a fact and you can't go back
but why is it hard to let go?
and now, no matter how hard
i try to reminisce,
you woouldn't be here with me again.
i'll just stand here,
waiting for your impossible return.
even though that will only happen in my dreams.
erasing your memories so hard,
it's like killing myself inside.
because the more i try, the more pain i cry.
our happy memories together
would just be an illusion like a star in a morning sky.
my dreams shattered,
my life fell out of place, when you left,
now lost, drenched in pain,
alone in the dark
and floating in an empty space.
that's what i feel.
i should have known, to love you was a mistake.
a fool is what i am now,
thinking that we could be happy together.
all this time, i am pretending to feel your love that wasn't really there.
you and me, happy?
it was a childish fantasy.
being with you as i thought was the best,
the best thing that happened to me.
and yet, i was just dreaming
beacause you'll never be mine.
i should have woke up a long time ago.
i should have came back to reality earlier,.
i wisjh i could turn back time.
oh! i'm such a fool.
now i'm hurting myself with all the memories that died.
if only i could bury those memories and move on...